Women are finally stepping up in this country, but there are still fewer of us in upper management roles than you’d think. As the founder of my own company, Punk Lemon, I’d like to address a few common questions I get asked a lot …

1. Is the company yours?

YES. And … No, I didn’t inherit it, it’s not my father’s funding project, and my husband has not invested it in. I didn’t win the lottery either.

2. When introducing an older male member of the team. He’s a partner then?

No. Women can most certainly employ men – of all ages and backgrounds. No hard feelings, but it’s a changing world out there. Haven’t you noticed?

3. How do manage work & home?

My husband and I treat each other as equal individuals and support each other at work & at home. Yes, we take turns at dishes.

Just thought you should know 😉